Saturday, December 29, 2007

Almost the New Year

The experience at Athletes Performance was everything I expected, hoped for and more. The exercises worked primarily on my core muscles (from the hips to the shoulders) on both strength and stability. The exercises are basic and easy to do most of them at home. But they are hugely effective.
The past couple years, when I completed a round of golf, I had sore hips and glutes. The exercises we did (and I still do) strenghtened this area to the extent that the last few rounds of golf I played did NOT result in sore muscles. There is definitely a relationship between lack of soreness and these exercises.

The week also addressed nutrition. I learned lots, but the portion most relevant to this blog is, I learned that controlling my blood sugar while playing golf is of major importance. I used to eat chocolate chip cookies and drink soda pop during my round. My blood sugar would spike, my swing would get much quicker and my abilities decreased. An hour or so later, my blood sugar would drop dramatically (just as it had risen) and I would be exhausted and my abilities would drop again for different reasons. So now I bring carrot sticks, celery, drink water and eat peanuts and sunflower seeds at intervals throughout the round. What a difference.

They have a website I recommend that you visit that website and try the exercise regimen they recommend.
Also training there was a girl who had just graduated from Stanford University, was on their golf team, and just got her LPGA Futures tour card.

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